Wild Bird Acoustics

The Call of Coastal Woodlands

Alan Dalton Season 2 Episode 6

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In this episode, I briefly outline my approach to sound recording birds in the field. I share some of my insights into my own recording technicques, give some general tips of what to do and what not to do and offer some advice on recording equipment. 
 Following this, the main feature of the episode is a carefully presented sound magazine, featuring my efforts to record various species at coastal woodlands here in Sweden, all during the Spring season. These habitats are remarkable locations, which burst into life as Spring migants return to Sweden. The sounds of these wooded areas, along the Baltic Sea coastline, are quite remarkable and are made of of an incredible diverse number of birds species. This makes for a rather special habitat in which to field record and that is what drew me to these areas repeatedly over the course of 2024, often at night, in order to secure as much natural audio as possible...

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