Wild Bird Acoustics
A journey into the wonderful world of field recording birds in their natural environment. Join me at Wild bird Acoustic's to experience incredible soundscapes of wild birds, here in Sweden and further abroad. The podcast will feature sound magazines, trips to wild places and interviews with sound recorders from all around Europe and beyond. I hope it will appeal to those who seek a relaxing audio experience, which can help contribute to mental well being and provide an outlet for those who might wish to escape the stress that modern life can generate. I further hope to draw together a community of field recorders, birders and outdoor enthusiasts, in order to share the sounds of wild birds and places from all over the world....
Wild Bird Acoustics
The Sound Identification of Hawfinch; Echoes from the Woodlands
In this episode, I first take a look at the vocalizations of migrating Hawfinch. This is tha largest finch species in Europe, a stunning looking beast that inhabits in our woodlands here in Sweden. It is a species that is actively sought by birders, due to its scarcity in many parts of Europe. Knowing it calls will give you the edge on finding them, particularly on active migration.
The main sound magazine is a celebration of Spring. At Sandemar Reserve, last year,I spent many happy nights and early mornings collecting audio through the Spring perod. Here in this episode, I share some incredible audio with listeners of this magical place...